When you make a call to action, you’re requesting someone to do something. That something must be in their interest, or they are not going to do it.
So they must be motivated to take the action you suggest. Motivation comes in two flavours – motivation towards and away from. Motivation towards involves stressing the benefits that someone will have through taking the action. It’s about the advantages that they will experience, the pleasure or reward that they will gain.
Away from motivation is about how much pain they will avoid when they take the action. And it’s away from motivation – the fear of losing something, for example – that is the more powerful of the two motivations – at least initially. When you’re seeking to persuade someone to take a course of action, it can therefore be more powerful to stress what the person would lose by not taking the action.
So when we construct a call to action, including what people will legitimately miss out on if they don’t take the action can be very powerful.
Obviously the motivation must be relevant to your target market and it must be true that missing out will result in what you’ve said.
To find out more about creating a Profitable Call to Action, join Jeff Herring on my webinar on 29th April. Jeff will cover step by step how to create a call to action, and will give you feedback right there on the webinar.
Will you be joining us on Monday? If so, click here: http://alunloves.it/jeff