Call To Action Mistakes and the Remedy

Anyone who is presenting on stage needs to be able to create a compelling call to action.  It’s the same for anyone writing an article or running a webinar.  If you don’t have a compelling call to action, you will not convert your prospects into clients.

But how do you do that, exactly?

Well, the secret is in what you do immediately before your call to action.

Jeff Herring sees the same call to action errors over and over again.  The root causes are many, but fear of failure comes high.  As, bizarrely, does fear of success.  “What would happen if I actually succeed beyond my wildest dreams?  What would change?

Another fear is based on thinking you or your products are not good enough.  So your call to action is made in a lack-lustre way.  This comes across in the tone of your voice, your body language and it gets picked up loud and clear by your prospects.

Luckily there is a way to create a profitable call to action every time.

And on Monday 29th and 9pm, Jeff Herring is my guest on my webinar, and he’ll be showing you exactly how to create a profitable call to action.  Just think for a moment what that could mean to your business.  What difference would just one more client make to you?

Join Jeff and me by claiming your place on my webinar here.


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