Creating Content – Having Unique Content

Why do you believe that we need unique content these days?

Jeff: That’s a great question. Here is an interesting thing that happens to me. From the very first time I spoke at an event, back in December of 2007, through now, every time I go to an event, the promoter will pull me aside – and they are talking about content marketing or content creation or building investment with content, or whatever – and they will pull me aside and say, “You know, Jeff, my whole business is built around content.” I smile and say, “Yeah, I know.”

The entire web is built around content. It is just that most people won’t tell you that and may hide it. Imagine this interview silent. Imagine a webinar with blank slides, an e-book with blank pages. Content dominates everything. It’s always going to be there.

I remember when social media came along, everybody said, “We don’t need content anymore”. I thought, “Oh, yeah?” Unless people are morbidly interested in what you had for lunch, you still need good content even in a 140-character tweet. It’s all about creating it in a way that gets people to take the next logical step, which is either opting in on your list, coming to an event, or buying your stuff.

I’d been at this a long time now, ten years. When I first started, we had websites and we had e-mail. Then there was this weird thing called blogs. Then there were these pirates. Now we’ve got a new social media site every day. Those are new things that make it easier for everybody. But it’s the same principle – you’ve got to have good content. It’s still the guiding principle. If you can create good content, and you can market it, you can pretty much write your own ticket online.

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