What is the biggest problem I see with entrepreneurs who are selling their products or services?
That’s easy. It’s not structuring their offer correctly!
This is true whether it’s on a sales page, in person, on stage or on a webinar.
- Do you make offers using any of these platforms?
- And would you like to get better at it?
- Perhaps by getting more clients?
By the way, what would just one more client be worth to you? Several hundreds of pounds? More?
The fact is that a compelling call to action is central to a correctly structured offer.
But what exactly is a call to action?
It’s a request for someone to do something. It takes the form “You give me X and I’lll give you Y.”
X is usually a sum of money and Y is your desirable product or service.
Why don’t people make more compelling calls to action?
Fear of failure is a big factor, as is not wanting to look silly if they refuse. There is also the fear that your product or service is simply not good enough. Much of this, assuming your offering is of good quality and is credible, is simply down to confidence.
Value is also a factor. Many people simply don’t value their time or their services. So they undervalue what they offer and therefore underprice it. Sometimes they don’t even offer it at all.
You have to value yourself and what you do in order to get people to pay for it.
Of course, there are other reasons. And if you’d like to find out more common call to action mistakes and how to overcome them – permanently – join me on Monday night, 9pm BST, with Jeff Herring when he will get you crafting your own profitable call to action.
And you’ll even get feedback from Jeff to make it better – right there on the webinar!
Just go here to claim your webinar place: http://AlunLoves.It/jeff