Getting Expert Status With Custom Content

Alun: Cool. Now I’ve been having a look at it – it’s clearly from Jim and you, but I distinctly got the flavour of Jeff Herring very strongly in many parts of it. Is it a joint collaboration between the two of you?

Jeff: Yes. We’ll talk about this on the webinar. Jim and I have a lot of mutual connections, but he and I never crossed paths until this year. And as we got talking, it was kind of spooky amazing about how similar our paths in this industry had been. We both were syndicated columnists. We both taught content creation. We wonder if we were switched at birth.

There is a lot of me in there, and there is a lot of Jim in there. The advantage for folks coming to the webinar, if nothing else, is you get two of the top people in the world in content marketing, content creation of this. Between us, it’s over 40 years of experience in doing this. And the beauty of it – and it comes out on every webinar – I know things that Jim doesn’t know. Jim knows things that I don’t know. We share them all with you. Come join us, because this thing is going to rock.

Alun: Fantastic. I’ve been following you for a number of years…

Jeff: I know.

Alun: Your templates have been enormously beneficial to me in creating content. What I see with the Custom Content Wizard is this is a way of automating that. Even though your templates allowed me to generate content incredibly quickly, it’s even faster with the Custom Content Wizard, because it does a lot of the work for you. It just prompts you to fill in the stuff that you need to fill in.

Jeff: Absolutely. That’s a great way to say it. You’ve got the original templates a lot of my students have. They ask me, “If I’ve got that, why do I need these?” As good as I made those templates, and proven them, and the last version was 5.0, you still had to sit down and fill out every piece of that template yourself.
What we’ve done with the wizard is you can even call it 6.0, or 25.0. It’s just a quantum leap above. You answer a few questions, and at least half that content is created for you. We could have it all created for you, but we wanted to leave enough room to put yourself in there. Again, people respond to the way you approach problems and the way you solve problems.
Here is the other thing that we didn’t know going in until we were doing it. It’s amazing. There are 39 of those questions. We start with pretty easy ones. The first one is your name. If you can’t get that right, we can’t help you with that. The rest of the questions cause you to come out of the questions a better expert on your topic. Just answering questions is valuable, because whatever the topic is, you come out of it a better expert, because of what the questions pull out of you. Then, when you take that better expertise and ship it, publish it, market it all over the internet, you can’t help but become the go-to person in your niche.

Alun: Absolutely. There’s one more thing I thought was really interesting. You said at the start of our talk, that you’re writing content because you want something out of it, you want people to sign up for your list or you want them to buy your product. One thing I loved about the content creation wizard is it generates a call-to-action for you. In fact, it doesn’t generate one. It gives you a choice of two or three.

Jeff: Isn’t that crazy?

Alun: It’s great!

Jeff: What it will generate for you is it will generate a title, it’ll generate the first two paragraphs of the article. Then it’ll generate not only the template, but questions and writing prompts for each part of it. In the end, you get a choice of five different calls-to-action to pick from that are already written for you. You just pick the one that flows the best and – Boom! You’ve got your content.

Every time I talk about it, I think, “Gosh! I want that!” Then I realise, “Oh, yeah. I helped create it.” It’s just that crazy good and really-really genuinely I think it’s business-changing. And I understand something, as I’m talking to you right now. You are a good interviewer, because you are pulling stuff out it that’s really good. I understand why it’s changing the internet now, because it’s getting people to be deeper experts. It’s helping people to create more content and build their list and make more sales. You can’t argue with that.

Alun: Absolutely.

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